The Ultimate Guide To RVing With Dogs Expert Tips  Tricks


Hey there! Today, I have some valuable insights to share with you about traveling with dogs. As a professional dog trainer with over 12 years of experience, I’ve gathered a wealth of knowledge that I’m excited to pass on to you. Whether you’re a seasoned RVer or just starting out, these tips will help make your adventures with your furry companions even more enjoyable.

What to Bring When RVing with Dogs

When hitting the road with your canine companions, it’s essential to pack the right essentials. Along with food and water bowls, crates, beds, toys, treats, leashes, and harnesses, it’s crucial to consider your dogs’ individual preferences and needs. Whether it’s a specific type of bone they love or a favorite tug toy to keep them entertained, catering to their comforts can make all the difference.

Leaving Your Dogs in the RV

Leaving your dogs unattended in the RV can be a concern for many pet owners. To ensure their safety and comfort, it’s important to create a cozy environment by closing shades, playing soothing music, and maintaining a comfortable temperature. Additionally, using monitoring equipment like cameras and temperature sensors can provide peace of mind while you’re away.

Monitoring Equipment and RV Essentials

Investing in monitoring equipment such as temperature sensors and cameras can help you keep an eye on your pets and ensure they’re safe and content while you’re out exploring. Additionally, using practical items like couch covers and a reliable vacuum can help maintain a clean and pet-friendly living space in your RV.

Dealing with Barking Behavior

If your dog tends to bark at passersby or other dogs while at the campground, it’s essential to address this behavior with patience and positive reinforcement. Rather than scolding or punishing your dog, focus on counterconditioning techniques that reward calm behavior and create positive associations with stimuli that typically trigger barking.

Tiring Out Your Dogs and Providing Mental Stimulation

Keeping your dogs physically and mentally engaged is key to preventing boredom and anxiety, especially when they’re left alone in the RV. Long walks, visits to dog parks, interactive toys, and mental stimulation activities like licky mats and food puzzles can help keep your furry friends happy and occupied while you’re away.

Traveling Considerations for Dogs

Every dog is unique, and understanding your pet’s individual needs and preferences is crucial when planning your travels. Whether you choose to travel with your dogs in the RV or opt for a separate vehicle, prioritizing their comfort and safety is paramount. Additionally, being attuned to any signs of discomfort or pain in your dog, like sound aversion, can help address underlying health issues and ensure a smoother travel experience.


1. How can I ensure my dogs are comfortable and safe when left alone in the RV?

To ensure your dogs’ well-being while you’re away, create a cozy environment by closing shades, playing soothing music, and maintaining a comfortable temperature. Additionally, using monitoring equipment like cameras and temperature sensors can provide peace of mind.

2. What are some essential items to pack when RVing with dogs?

Along with food and water bowls, crates, beds, toys, treats, leashes, and harnesses, consider your dogs’ individual preferences, such as favorite bones, toys, and bedding to make them feel at home on the road.

3. How can I address my dog’s barking behavior at the campground?

Instead of scolding or punishing your dog for barking, focus on positive reinforcement techniques like counterconditioning. Rewarding calm behavior and creating positive associations with stimuli that trigger barking can help modify your dog’s behavior over time.

4. What are some ways to keep my dogs physically and mentally stimulated while traveling?

Long walks, visits to dog parks, interactive toys, and mental stimulation activities like licky mats and food puzzles can help keep your dogs engaged and prevent boredom and anxiety, especially when they’re left alone in the RV.

5. How can I ensure a comfortable and safe travel experience for my dogs?

Understanding your dogs’ individual needs and preferences is essential when planning your travels. Whether you choose to travel with them in the RV or separately, prioritize their comfort, safety, and health. Additionally, being attentive to any signs of discomfort or pain in your dogs can help address underlying issues and make the journey more enjoyable for them.

By Olivia